Looking for a Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children Accredited Consultant
Goulding Method Consultant®
The Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children
is here to help!!!
I Teach Parents how to build their Child(ren)’s
Self Esteem and Emotional Resilience
Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children is not a therapy; it is a process that empowers and educates the family. It is a client centered, drug free, self-help process for parents and families to gently establish a bridge of trust and genuine self-esteem, for independence, healthy attachment and acceptance, while the child is sleeping.
The process helps to introduce and develop a child’s emotional resilience because all children benefit from developing a positive and confident sense of self. Emotional health in childhood is the key to future happiness. Emotional love and support occurs nightly without disturbing the sleeping child and over time allows them to awaken in the morning with a more positive mindset. The main advantage of this process is the re-education and support that the parents gain using self-awareness, the laws of the mind, and positive language.
With several assessments the parents become aware how to move through the process with help and care. Follow-up and support for parents is provided with weekly check-ins and feedback reports.
The Goulding Method® reminds children they are lovable and have the right to be loved, reinforcing a feeling of being unconditionally loved. The strength of the process is its simplicity both in content and application. Allowing acceptance of emotional hugs and creating ‘happiness insurance’, is a gift that keeps on giving for life. It’s a gentle method establishing emotional intelligence.
The Goulding Method is about reinforcing emotional intelligent, resilience and an authentic sense of independence, attachment and acceptance. It is a gentle process that confirms children are lovable and have the right to be loved, reinforcing a feeling of being unconditionally loved.
“SleepTalk is about giving emotional hugs to our children –
not just physical hugs.”
Joane Goulding Founder and Director
Sleep Talk the Goulding Method for Children is an alternative and substance free, self-help process for parents coping with a challenging child ages 18 months to 16 years.
Sometimes a lack of knowledge, availability of assistance and/or family support can cause parents to doubt their parenting abilities, feel misunderstood and on a merry-go-round of endless consultations and dead ends. This process is about presenting a substance free, safe, non- intrusive and ethical process for parents to use in the safety and comfort of their own home while their child or children are asleep and it’s easy to apply.
The results are happily rewarding for the entire family.
The process helps to develop a child’s emotional resilience because all children benefit from developing a positive and confident sense of self. This occurs without disturbing the sleeping child, and allows them to awaken in the morning with a more positive mindset. It only takes the parents a few moments to present and it’s been called a 2 minute gift with changes that last a life time. Anxiety levels reduce which offers the child the ability to deal with their world. Positive change can start to become apparent after only a few weeks of implementing the process. The Goulding process has some similarities to the work that Dr. Norman Doidge developed over the past few years which he called ‘Neuroplasticity‘.
Some benefits of SleepTalk® for the child:
Increased resilience.
Improved behavior, concentration and enjoyment of learning.
Improved health and well-being.
Better relationships with family, teachers and peers.
Greater achievement of potential.
Enhanced confidence to deal with peer group pressure and bullying.
Some benefits of SleepTalk® for the family:
Improved communication, less family tension and better relationships.
Less sibling rivalry and separation anxiety.
Reduced need for specialist help and
A happier home environment.
A new way of looking at self is developed.
Specific issues that can be improved using The Goulding SleepTalk® Process include:
Autism spectrum behaviors, bedwetting, temper tantrums, nail biting and other nervous habits; fears and anxieties; poor eating habits, sibling rivalry, and also a number of health issues where a psychological component is present such as asthma and various skin conditions.
Call Today
for a FREE Confidential Consultation
and hear why
so many parents are choosing
The Goulding Method SLEEPTALK® for Children!
Kudo from parents:
“I am seeing positive results in just a few weeks, WOW”!
Parent of a teenager
” My very first exchange with Phyllis was like a breath of fresh air. Every interaction has been saturated with quality information, sound wisdom, and positive affirmations to help bolster my confidence and motivation. Within each area of instruction, Phyllis has provided both breadth and depth of learning, and often delves even deeper into life’s personal lessons on intentional and positive living. It has been such a treat growing under her guiding influence”.
Debbie Garcia mother of 3
“I have done sleep talk with two of my three kids. My first experience was with my oldest son (3 at the time) who was months away from having a baby brother. He is a very emotional and sensitive boy and I was concerned about him being jealous of his brother and sad that he was not going to be the only child. He started to have some behavioral issues at school when I started showing more of a belly and he was understanding more and more that there would be another baby. We started Sleep Talk to prepare him for his brother and both boys preparing for their sister.
My son never once showed any negative feelings towards his brother or sister and welcomed them with open arms. He was, and still to this day is very understanding of his younger siblings’ needs the best way a five year old can. My middle boy welcomed his sister and we are doing fine as this new family”. C. G. 2022
Help is Here!
The Help Families Are Looking For!
Check out the research work on Neuroplasicity and Epigenetics of Drs. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton all showing us the wonderful ways our lives’ can transform, heal and see anew.
This short 15-minute video with Dr. Joe Dispenza will inspire you to welcome the the new you.
Please accept it as a gift from me and Dr. Joe…
SleepTalk Consultation Payments
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Consultant/Educator: Phyllis Fisher is a Gold Certified HypnoBirthing® Master Trainer, Gold Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator Trainer and Doula. A Certified Professional Hypnotist and Goulding Method® SleepTalk Consultant and Trainer
Welcome! Phyllis Fisher here!
I am Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children Consultant and Trainer in the United States and abroard for the IGMA International Goulding Method Association
I help woman and their families experience childbirth and family life without fear!
I support you to put all fear aside as ,”I parent my children with love and compassion.”
I am an accredited Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children Consultant and Trainer.
Phone Enquiries: Phyllis Fisher (850) 877-4718
Email: info@awomanswayfl.com
The Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children Program
Founder and Director Joane Goulding
Director: The Goulding Institute
The Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children Sleep Talk™ for Children empowers parents to assist their children to develop emotional resilience and positive self image.It is the parents themselves that learn and implement the Sleep Talk ™ method with their children of all ages from about 1 till early teens.
Non-intrusive, ethical and safe with lasting benefits and appropriate for any child. The method is simple to learn and takes parents a few moments each night
The Goulding Method® SleepTalk for Children allows the child to awaken from sleep with a new and positive mind set helping to affect the entire family.
A simple, safe, effective drug free method offers parents a loving, effective, self-empowering opportunity to support their family and directly assist their children to establish a sense of emotional intelligence, loving attachment and acceptance. The method is taught by accredited members of the healing professions around the world. The non-invasive protocol has stood the test of time and provides worldwide solutions for children’s’ challenges.
The Goulding Method® The Goulding Method Sleeptalk® for children
Goulding Method. How and Why it Works. Goulding Process – How and Why it Works
The Goulding Method, developed in the 1970s by Joane Goulding is now available in over 26 international countries. The Method empowers parents to assist and support with positive changes and as a result calmness permeates throughout the entire family. It’s for parents looking for a simple, non-intrusive, substance free and client centered Method which is simple and safe for parents. It assists children to develop their emotional intelligence, loving attachment and acceptance.
The Method assists with building ‘the mind’s firewall’, protecting it against negative suggestions. It has been called: ‘The two minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.’ It’s easy to learn taking parents or primary carers only a few moments each evening to present to their sleeping child. It’s substance free of medication, absolutely safe, ethical and positive.
Parents and healthcare professionals have called the Goulding Method a powerful self-help program which parents and childcare professionals have been using since 1974. They endorse it because it WORKS.
Professor Ian E Brighthope:
Fellow: Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine states:
“The Goulding Method is a sensible practical and easy-to-follow method of communicating important messages to the subconscious mind. This process should be used by all parents, educators and health professionals and the practice adopted in the management of all disorders in which the mind plays a significant role.”
In 1974 Joane Goulding developed the Goulding Method. Professional training was established in 1979 and she travelled extensively around the world sharing her knowledge at international conferences, training professional consultants and trainers. explaining the Goulding Method to parents, families, psychologists, psychiatrists, general practitioners and professionals from many allied health fields.
A published author with qualifications in Psycho-nutrition, Training, Assessment and Education, Supervision and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Joane is currently a consultant to the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) and is recognized as one of Australia’s experts. Joane is currently the sponsor of the Goulding Consultants International Register.
Goulding, Joane. The Goulding Method. Third edition e-Book. 2022.
Mayur, Michelle. “The Science behind SleepTalk®” References and Relevant Research. 2017.
A sample of what is included above:
Barlow, J., McMillan, A., Kirkpatrick, S.B., Ghate, D., Smith, M. and Barnes, J. “Health-led parenting interventions in pregnancy and early years.” Research Report No. DCSF-RW070. 2008.
“The evidence suggests that the focus of support that is provided to both mothers and fathers during the perinatal period should be the parent-infant relationship.”
Doidge, N., M.D. “The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science.” Pub: Scribe, Vic. 2007.
“An astonishing new science called ‘neuroplasticity’ is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. In this revolutionary look at the brain, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., provides an introduction to both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they’ve transformed. From stroke patients learning to speak again to the remarkable case of a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, The Brain That Changes Itself will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.”
P.99 “In the first year of life, the average brain goes from weighing 400 grams at birth to 1000 grams at twelve months. We are so dependent on the early love and the caregiving of others in part because large areas of our brain don’t begin to develop until after we are born. The neurons in the prefrontal cortex, which helps us regulate our emotions, make connections in the first two years of life, but only with the help of people, which in most cases means the mother, who literally molds her baby’s brain.”
Freeman, W. J. “Societies of brains: A study in the neuroscience of love and hate.” Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum associates. 1995.
Gerhardt, S. “Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain.”
New York: BrunnerRoutledge. 2004.
“Why Love Matters explains why loving relationships are essential to brain development in the early years, and how these early interactions can have lasting consequences for future emotional and physical health. Sue Gerhardt focuses in particular on the wide-ranging effects of early stress on a baby or toddler’s developing nervous system. When things go wrong with relationships in early life, the dependent child has to adapt; what we now know is that his or her brain adapts too. The brain’s emotion and immune systems are particularly affected by early stress and can become less effective. This makes the child more vulnerable to a range of later difficulties such as depression, anti-social behaviour, addictions or anorexia, as well as physical illness.” Neuroscience, developmental psychology and neurobiology.
Through the Roots of Empathy organization “Mary Gordon creates a rich, rewarding classroom experience that fosters empathy within children. The program brings babies and students together in a symbiotic loving environment that has been proven to reduce aggression and increase tolerance and emotional understanding in children.”
Goulding, J.M. “The Top Hat Process: SleepTalk®, A Gift Of Love Through Positive Parenting.” Pub: Pennon. Vic. 2004.
Goulding, J.M. “The Goulding Process: The Foundation of SleepTalk – helping parents develop their child’s emotional resilience, the mind’s firewall.” Pub: The Goulding Institute. Vic. 2011.
The Goulding Process (formerly called SleepTalk® for Children) was developed in the 1970s, and empowers parents to improve and balance their child’s behaviour.
The dramatic positive change and calmness it creates permeate throughout the entire family. It’s for parents looking for a simple, non-intrusive way to develop a child’s emotional resilience, building the mind’s firewall, protecting it against negative suggestions.
It’s been called: ‘The two minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.’ It’s easy to learn, and takes parents only two minutes at bedtime, and it cannot be done wrong. It’s absolutely safe, ethical and positive. Parents and healthcare professionals have called the Process a powerful self-help program which parents and childcare professionals have been using for more than 35 years. They endorse it because it WORKS, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, developing a positive self-confidence, empowering children to manage, improve and balance their behaviour, anxiety and relationships.”
Goulding, J. M. “The effects of autosuggestion stay with our children for life!.” AU. 2011.
Understanding the formation, acceptance and implementation of beliefs is perhaps one of the most important things to understand about the role of the subconscious mind. Some people call it the unconscious mind, but for this article the terms are synonymous. The article will discuss the importance and acceptance of suggestion and present a procedure which will assist our children to develop a happy, self-confident and harmonious belief structure.”
Haddad, L. “Sleep Talk. A breakthrough technique for helping your child cope with stress and thrive through difficult transitions.” Pub: Contemporary Books. 1999.
“The brain is a powerful organ even at rest. It accepts suggestions in the sleep state. With Sleep Talk, it receives and accepts honest, positive information because the ‘why it won’t work’ objection is not present. When a mother tells her son positive things while he’s awake, he can choose to negate everything she says. But in deep sleep, when she tells him how special he is and how much he means to her, the information is accepted, and changes in behavior begin to happen.”
Lipton, B.H. “The Biology of Belief.” Hay House Inc. USA. 2007.
“Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.”
Natural Patterns of Sleep. A resource from the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School and WGBH Educational Foundation. 2007.
Scientists have found that the brain goes through characteristic patterns of activity throughout each period of sleep, and that it is sometimes more active when we’re asleep than when we’re awake. http://healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/healthy/science/what/sleep-patterns-rem-nrem
Plummer, K. “Sleep Talk® for Children Study. Evaluation.”, A pilot study utilising the Sleep Talk® for Children process to promote emotional resilience in children following the Black Saturday bushfires around Melbourne. 2009.
1.The Goulding Sleep Talk® for Children program is a safe, effective and easy process that can be utilised to promote emotional resilience in children who have experienced stress, anxiety and trauma.
2. SleepTalk® for Children empowers both the parent and child, improving the bond and communication between them, therefore helping to stabilise the family unit.
Plummer, Karin. “Australian Bushfire Research.” 2009.
Cheetham, John. “The Benefits of SleepTalk®”. 1997.
John S. Cheetham, Consulting Psychologist
Research into the Benefits of the Goulding Process SleepTalk® for Children
Petrias, Jurgen. University of Düsseldorf. 2023. (will be published??? available soon)
Patel, Shagufta. “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.”, Aspire Magazine, Dubai. 2022.
Mayur, Michelle. “SleepTalk®: Improving Quality of Life for Adults with Acquired Brain Injury.” (ABI) Unlimited Human Magazine ABI Article 13th June 2017.
Johnston, Gary. “Trauma in Children”. AU. 2006.
Goulding, Joane. “The Effects of Autosuggestion – The Top Hat Explanation”.
AU. 2004.